

Does this resonate?

  • Are you unhappy with your weight?

  • Do you feel like you’ve tried every possible diet out there which have either failed or resulted in some weight loss, but as soon as you stopped the diet you regained all of the weight back and sometimes more? 

  • Do you feel like you are doomed to hunger, deprivation, and unsatisfying food forever? 

  • Do you hear/read a lot of conflicting information and just want to make sense of it all? 


My Approach…

  • We will not only look at what you are eating but why you are eating as many people eat for reasons other than hunger 

  • Devise a plan tailored programme to not only lose the weight but keep it off for good

  • Teach you when to eat, what to eat and how much to eat so that your body is optimally fuelled to maintain normal blood sugar levels which naturally reduces sugar cravings and helps you feel in control of your eating 

  • Teach you what a balanced meal is, how each component plays a role in making you feel full and satisfied whilst nourishing your body and optimising your nutritional status too. We will discuss some simple balanced meal ideas using the food you have at home

  • Bespoke meal plan guidance if we agree this would be helpful to give you simple balanced meal ideas and snack options and teach you what normal portions are (no weighing or calorie counting!) 

  • Recipe adjustment masterclass to ensure you are still able to enjoy the food you love without compromising taste 

  • Food label interpretation masterclass: Make informed purchasing decisions to maximise your weight loss and keep it off by and enjoying a balanced, flexible and affordable intake 

  • Many people eat for reasons other than hunger such as when they are stressed, anxious or feeling low. If this is happening I will teach you how to employ better coping strategies to deal with negative emotions so that you don’t have to resort to eating to cope

  • Teach you to identify the difference between real hunger and cravings and empower you with savvy strategies to tackle cravings 

  • Teach you to get back in touch with your hunger and fullness cues so that you can learn to eat intuitively. This will allow you to eat freely whilst simultaneously controlling your weight effortlessly by eating when you are hungry and stopping when you feel full.


It is possible to re-connect to your body and find your balance again…


My unique approach includes: 

  • Individualised treatment programme to identify causes for weight gain/lack of weight loss and create a toolbox of strategies from a nutritional and psychological perspective to maximise your weight loss and keep it off for good 

  • Bespoke meal plan guidance including foods you enjoy (as well as treats!) whilst also honouring your dietary preferences such as veganism, allergies/intolerances or dietary requirements such as Kosher or Halal 

  • You will not feel hungry or deprived

  • You will not have to weigh any food or count calories 

  • I give you permission to include all food groups and all foods and start enjoying food again and feeling satisfied after meals! 

  • You will still be able to eat out socially 

  • Cutting edge technology to help you remain accountable and receive support from me in between appointments. 

  • Partnering with you to overcome any obstacles

  • Working collaboratively with you and your treatment team (if applicable) to optimise treatment outcomes

What I don’t do:

  • I don’t judge 

  • I don’t just tell you what you should be doing/not doing 

  • I don’t give you a generic meal plan and expect you to follow it

  • I don’t prescribe any diet foods, shakes, bars or meal replacements 

  • I don’t teach you to count calories

A written testimonial that has used Aleeza Rosenberg's methods to stop binge eating, feels free of an eating disorder and learned to eat intuitively.