all about aleeza


I believe that everyone can achieve a healthy weight and a healthy relationship with food.

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My mother taught me how to eat. Although she had no formal nutrition education she was a teacher and librarian, and it’s clear to me now, a self-taught nutritional expert. 

As a young child she taught me to cherish my body, and that eating nutritious food was a way to care for it, and if I cared for it I could grow tall, strong, be happy and live to my full potential.

In essence, my mother taught me how to eat insightfully, to see all foods as equal (there was never any mention of good or bad foods), and to enjoy all food - but also how to keep the balance.

It was only many years later with the benefit of everything I learned at university in my Bachelors, Honours and Masters degrees in nutrition, that these lessons I had grown up practicing were validated, and cemented for me as key in maintaining balance in body and mind.

With the gift of hindsight I valued even more what I had started to learn as a child, and became passionate about sharing my knowledge with others.

A selection of images of Aleeza Rosenberg, a specialist eating disorders dietitian from London, preparing food and drinks

I truly believe that everyone can achieve a healthy weight and a healthy relationship with food. And I also know that can seem impossible.

My mantra is ‘beautifully balanced in body and mind’ and has empowered thousands of patients including models, actresses, politicians and professional football players with the knowledge and tools to regain control of their eating, achieve a healthy weight and optimise their physical and mental wellbeing by adopting a balanced lifestyle. 

Combining my extensive clinical knowledge with a person-centred approach ensures you are listened to and supported in a confidential and judgement-free environment.

I don’t believe in diets, meal replacements, bars or shakes. Armed with a Masters in Biochemistry I will bust the myths of the diet industry by explaining how your body and metabolism really work.

Many people are emotional/comfort eaters. My unique skillset which combines dietetics and behavioural psychology will enable you to understand not only what you are eating but why you are eating, and teach you alternative coping strategies to manage your emotions so that they don’t affect your health or weight.



  • BSc Dietetics (Hons) Cum Laude, University of Pretoria, South Africa  

  • MSc Clinical Nutrition (Eating Disorders), with distinction, University College London (UCL) 

  • Motivational Interviewing (Middlesex University) 

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E) (Credo Oxford) 

  • Dialectical behavioural therapy for Eating Disorders (DBT)

  • MANTRA (Manual for the treatment of anorexia in adults)-Maudsley (Kings College London) 

  • SSCM (Specialist Supportive Clinical Management for Anorexia Nervosa) 

  • Health at every size (HAES) 

  • Intuitive eating 

  • Mindful eating


 Professional Registration & Membership

The quality of support I offer is of the utmost importance to me, which is why I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and abide by their code of best practice and undergo continuous professional development in my areas of expertise.
I am also a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) who provide my insurance.

The Association Of Uk Dietitians BDA logo
HCPC - The Health and Care Professional Council - registered logo
Mental Health Specialist Group logo and The Association Of Uk Dietitians BDA logo
Maternal And Fertility Nutrition Specialist Group logo and The Association Of Uk Dietitians BDA logo
Aleeza Rosenberg, a specialist eating disorders dietitian from London, standing in her kitchen holding a mug with healthy food on the counter

Experience and Background

Aleeza Rosenberg is a leading highly specialised eating disorder dietitian, and is an honorary lecturer for several tertiary universities and colleges in the UK.
She graduated cum laude with an Honours degree in Dietetics and obtained an MSc degree in Eating Disorders with distinction from University College London (UCL).

She has almost 20 years of experience working with people of all ages both in the NHS and in private practice. She was the lead dietitian for London’s largest NHS eating disorder service for 7 years where she managed the 20- bedded inpatient unit, the outpatient service and day hospital and held a caseload of highly complex patients within each.

She developed the nutrition education programme for the out-patient service which enables much wider access to outpatient dietetic services and continues to be used in the Trust today.

She left the NHS to focus on her private practice and her family.


More about Aleeza

Although she studied in London she is born and bred in sunny South Africa and hasn’t lost her South African warmth, humour (and accent).

She will challenge your eating disorder head-on whilst being compassionate, empathetic and non-judgemental, and will be your greatest cheerleader when you achieve your goals, regain control and find true food freedom.

When not working as a dietitian you will probably find her cooking up a storm in the kitchen with her husband, practising yoga, going for afternoon tea with friends (which must include a cup of Earl Grey and scones with cream and jam) or jumping in muddy puddles with her little girl.

Aleeza Rosenberg, a specialist eating disorders dietitian from London, smiling with honey, yoghurt, and foods on kitchen counter


A written Testimonial from a client who has stopped binge eating and took value from a professional eating disorders dietitian.