independent living


My 8 week course to empower young people

Do you have a teenager going to live independently at university who could benefit from some advice on how to shop and prepare healthy meals for themselves?

A written Testimonial from a client who has stopped binge eating and took value from a professional eating disorders dietitian.

Independent Living Course


I offer an 8-week course to empower people to nourish themselves on a budget with minimal cooking facilities.

It will help them to understand;

  • What a healthy eating pattern is (even with late-night parties or exam cramming and late morning lie-ins) 

  • Learn to identify foods from the main food groups and know what a normal portion is 

  • How to identify the best types of carbohydrates to maintain stable blood sugar levels to optimise energy levels and concentration 

  • How to put a balanced meal together that will be satisfying and nutritious with minimal cooking facilities and wastage that is tasty and affordable too

  • How to identify nutritious snacks and some simple nutritious snack ideas 

  • Support with choosing the most nutritious choices off a menu at halls or take-away place

  • Tackling alcohol – how to drink insightfully so it doesn’t cause hangovers, ‘the munchies’ or weight gain 

  • How to manage stress 

  • Sleep hygiene


Feedback on the Course…

“My daughter was accepted to study abroad, and given that she has lived at home her whole life with me doing all the shopping and cooking I wasn’t sure how she would manage taking care of herself.
I was so pleased to have been recommended Aleeza’s course which gave my daughter life skills - not only in terms of nutrition but also how to manage alcohol, sleep deprivation and stress.
At the time of doing the course my daughter didn’t fully appreciate why I thought she needed to do it but now that she has been living abroad for 5 months she says she would never have coped without it.
She is flourishing in her academics and social life there, and having done this course has also given me peace of mind as a parent.

I think it’s an essential for all children leaving home because you don’t learnt these skills anywhere else.”
