bulimia nervosa


Does this resonate?

  • Do you eat much larger amounts of food than an ordinary person would where you feel a loss of control and uncomfortably full afterwards to the point of feeling sick i.e. are you bingeing?

  • Do you make yourself sick, take laxatives or exercise excessively to avoid weight gain from the binges?

  • Do you feel ashamed and guilty after these episodes?

  • Do you then try to restrict after bingeing to ‘make up for all the calories’?

  • Do you have an ‘all or nothing’ mentality in that you believe that you have to follow your food rules perfectly and if you mess up, you feel like you’ve blown it and you may as well binge

  • Do you feel as though you have to keep coming up with excuses to hide your behaviours?

  • Do you feel like food dominates your life? 

  • Do you feel like you’ve lost touch with how to eat normally? 

  • Do you feel like your life is out of control?


Have you noticed any of these symptoms? 

  • Do you feel like your weight keeps going up? 

  • Do you have heart palpitations or feel like your heart skips a beat sometimes?

  • Have you noticed changes to your menstrual cycle? 

  • Do you have mouth ulcers and dental erosion?

  • Are you struggling with gastrointestinal discomfort and bloating?

  • Is it affecting your self esteem? 

  • Is it causing anxiety and/or low mood? 

  • Is it affecting your personal life and/or ability to work?


Without treatment, bulimic symptoms can get out of control, and the physical and emotional damage can be severe.


Work with me

My treatment strategy for Bulimia covers the following;

  • Teach you the science of the binge-purge-restrict-binge cycle, why it is self-perpetuating, and give you tools to break the cycle 

  • Explain the various types of binges and with the help of cutting-edge technology help you identify what type of binges you are having and identify what your triggers are 

  • If you are having hunger binges, I will explain how optimizing blood sugar control is critical to stopping these binges and teach you when to eat, what to eat and how much to eat to optimize your blood sugar control. This will reduce the risk to binge which automatically will support you to achieve a healthy weight. This may include bespoke meal plan guidance if we feel this would be beneficial

  • Identify your trigger foods that lead to binges and when appropriate, once your binges have stopped, help you feel safe around them again through graded exposure techniques so that they no longer trigger binges 

  • Many people binge to escape from feelings like anxiety, low mood and stress. If this is happening with you I will teach you how to employ better coping strategies to deal with negative emotions so that you don’t have to resort to bingeing

  • Sometimes people binge out of habit or opportunity and if this is happening we will use stimulus control or action response strategies to stop these binges

  • Support you to create a laxative/exercise reduction plan if required and coach you through this  

  • Help correct any nutritional complications that may result arise from bulimic behaviours

  • Teach you when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat (without weighing or calorie counting) so that you can achieve and maintain a healthy weight without resorting to purging.   

  • I will also teach you to get back in touch with your hunger and fullness cues so that you can learn to eat intuitively. This will allow you to eat freely whilst simultaneously controlling your weight effortlessly by eating when you are hungry and stopping when you feel full.


My unique approach includes: 

  • Understanding your hopes, fears and goals

  • Working at your own pace and within your comfort zone

  • Individualised treatment programme to identify your own triggers to bingeing and create a toolbox of strategies to stop them from happening

  • Bespoke meal plan guidance if we agree this would be helpful honouring your dietary preferences such as veganism, allergies/intolerances or dietary requirements such as Kosher or Halal  

  • Cutting-edge technology to help you remain accountable and receive support from me in between appointments. This is particularly helpful when trying to break the binge-purge-restrict-binge cycle  

  • Partnering with you to overcome any obstacles

  • Working collaboratively with you and your treatment team (if applicable) to optimise treatment outcomes

What I don’t do:

  • I will never force you to do anything you are not ready to do  

  • I don’t judge 

  • I don’t give you a generic meal plan and expect you to follow it

  • I don’t just tell you what you should be eating

A written testimonial that has used Aleeza Rosenberg's methods to stop binge eating, feels free of an eating disorder and learned to eat intuitively.