anorexia nervosa


Anorexia Nervosa is the third most common chronic illness among adolescents, and has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric condition.

It does not discriminate - it occurs in both men and women of any age, race and class.

My approach to treating anorexia nervosa/restrictive eating depends on what your goals are. 

Everyone is at a different stage of recovery, and both the body and mind need to recover.

A written testimonial about a client using Recovery Coaching For Anorexia Nervosa through the use of nutritional dietitian therapy.

Does this resonate?

  • Are you afraid of gaining weight, even though you know you are underweight? 

  • Are you preoccupied with your weight and shape?

  • Do you feel your body weight or shape defines you?

  • Are you restricting your food intake by cutting out food groups (such as carbohydrates or fats), limiting calories, skipping meals and using filler foods (foods and drinks that are filling but have zero calories like water, herbal teas, black coffees, Diet Cokes etc) resulting in weight loss?

  • Do you feel guilt or shame after eating? 

  • Is a limited range of acceptable foods resulting in monotonous uninspiring food choices?

  • Do you try to ignore hunger?

  • Do you try to come up with excuses not to eat when others are eating?

  • Do you exercise obsessively, or do you feel compelled to exercise?


Have you noticed any of these symptoms? 

  • Have your periods become lighter, irregular or stopped altogether? 

  • Do you feel cold all the time especially in your hands and feet?

  • Do you feel tired all the time even after a good night’s sleep?

  • Are you experiencing hair loss/thinning hair?

  • Have you become more anxious around food and in general?

  • Has your mood dipped?

  • Have you begun to withdraw from friends and activities you used to enjoy

  • Have you begun to experience mood swings and/or are more irritable than usual?

  • Do you struggle with poor concentration, memory loss or have difficulty making decisions which you never experienced previously? 

These could indicate your body is struggling.

If you think you may have Anorexia Nervosa the most important thing you can do is seek treatment.

Research shows that early intervention is associated with better recovery rates and the longer the anorexia persists the more it affects your physical, psychological and social wellbeing.


Work with me

Areas of focus can include any/all of the following depending on what you are ready to work on which we will agree together: 

  • Determine what a healthy weight is for you

  • If you need to gain weight and are ready to do this we will jointly agree on a way to do this that is manageable and makes you feel in control

  • Bespoke meal plan guidance tailored to you

  • Understand what balanced eating is and how to put a balanced meal together

  • Increasing variety in your dietary intake if you have eliminated certain foods/food groups

  • Support you to gain confidence to eat out socially

  • Replace unhealthy behaviours like calorie counting with less triggering rules of thumb

  • Create an exercise reduction plan

  • Learn to eat intuitively and get back in touch with your body’s own hunger and fullness cues

  • Live a balanced life centred around self care, self compassion and healthy coping strategies to manage emotions

A written testimonial about a client who had seen many dietitians but enjoyed the anorexia therapy sessions, dealing with stress and maintaining weight loss. 

My unique approach includes: 

  • Understanding your hopes, fears and goals

  • Working at your own pace and within your comfort zone

  • Individualised treatment programme to meet your unique needs and fears 

  • Bespoke meal plan guidance if we agree this would be helpful, honouring your dietary preferences such as veganism, allergies/intolerances or dietary requirements such as Kosher or Halal  

  • Cutting edge technology to help us identify triggers to disordered behaviours, help you remain accountable and receive support from me in between appointments 

  • Partnering with you to overcome any obstacles

  • Working collaboratively with you and your treatment team to optimise treatment outcomes 

What I don’t do:

  • I will never force you to do anything you are not ready to do  

  • I don’t judge 

  • I don’t give you a generic meal plan and expect you to follow it

  • I don’t just tell you what you should be eating


Insightful Eating Course


If you’re not ready to make any behavioural changes now, my Insightful Eating Course is a first-step towards recovery. 

It busts myths by giving you the science of how the body actually works and also increases motivation to change by learning about the short-term and long-term effects of being underweight on your health.

This 10-week program is designed specifically for those who want to recover but are not yet ready to make any behavioural or weight changes. 

It will help you to understand;

  • The effects of being underweight on your brain, heart, bones, muscles and other organs 

  • How being underweight affects anxiety, mood, sleep & other social behaviours 

  • What exactly weight is and what the number on the scale means

  • Why it is common to ‘gain weight’ on the scale without your body creating any new fat 

  • The effects of being underweight on one’s metabolism and how this affects one’s weight 

  • Why the body needs calories and what happens when it doesn’t get enough calories 

  • How to Calculate your own personal calorie requirements

  • What a healthy weight is for you

  • What the body is made of and how this relates to the food we eat 

  • How often you should be eating and if you need meals and snacks

  • How to put a meal together including portion guidelines
